*** This article is written with the help of Google Translate… ***
180 ( -75 from the day before) new infections confirmed in Tokyo.
◆◆◆ Japan ◆◆◆
Number of people infected nationwide : 950 ( -491)
Number of people deaths nationwide : 11 ( +4)
Number of people infected in Tokyo : 180 ( -75)
*( )= increase from the day before
Number of people infected nationwide : 120,358 ( +938)
Number of people deaths nationwide : 1919 ( +11)
Number of hospital discharges : 104,333 ( +837)
*( )= increase from the day before
* Since revisions are made daily by local governments and the media,
the cumulative total may differ from the new figures for the day.
Number of seriously ill persons nationwide : 251 ( +8)
Narita Airport Quarantine : 4 ( -8 / Total 1,510)
*( )= increase from the day before
(*All of the above from 2020/11/16 31:43 / NHK NEWS WEB)
(Cumulative) * The following is up to 10 worst prefectures.
(*2020/11/16 18:47 / NHK NEWS WEB)
▽東京都 (Tokyo) 34,931人 (前日+255人)
▽大阪府 (Osaka) 15,494人 (前日+ 73人)※↓See Osaka column
▽神奈川県 (Kanagawa) 10,215人 (前日+61人)
▽愛知県 (Aichi) 7776人 (前日+ 63人)
▽埼玉県 (Saitama) 6905人 (前日+ 87人)
▽千葉県 (Chiba) 5843人 (前日+ 77人)
▽北海道 (Hokkaido) 5683人 (前日+189人)
▽福岡県 (Fukuoka) 5387人 (前日+ 8人)
▽兵庫県 (Hyogo) 4014人 (前日+ 40人)
▽沖縄県 (Okinawa) 3768人 (前日27人)
*( )= increase from the day before
◆◆◆ World ◆◆◆
Number of people infected nationwide : 54,896,579 ( +484,584)
Number of people deaths nationwide : 1,325,422 ( +5,976)
Number of hospital discharges : 38,197,709 ( +257,004)
( All of the above from 2020/11/116 19:40 / worldometers)
*( )= increase from the day before
The number of newly infected people in Tokyo has not dropped for the second consecutive day …
The number of infected people nationwide has decreased from 1400 to 900, “like Monday (small number every week)”…
Well, I will summarize
the breakdown of the number of new infections in Tokyo + α …!
Out of [180] new infections in Tokyo
・Today’s newly infected people are men and women in their 10s to 80s
・[73] people is in their 20s to 30s
(about 40% of the total)
・[58] people is in their 40s to 50s
(about 32% of the total)
*under10 : [6] persons
*10s : [8] persons
*20s : [39] persons
*30s : [34] persons
*40s : [30] persons
*50s : [28] persons
*60s : [15] persons
*70s : [12] persons
*80s : [8] persons
*90s : [0] persons
*over100 : [0] persons
・ [4] people is
in 『the entertainment district at night』
→Employees and guests such as host clubs and cabaret clubs
・Infection at home [31] people
・Infection at office [14] people
・Infection at a dinner with friends and acquaintances [5] people
・Infection in the facility [9] people
・Infection via other routes [N/A] people
・Nosocomial infection at “Hanahata Rehabilitation Hospital” in Adachi Ward [2] person(s)
*Cumulative 6 people
・Outbreak of Kokushikan University Karate Club [1] person(s)
*Cumulative 9 people
*** Information on people under medical treatment in Tokyo ***
Number of hospitalized : 1302 ( +43)
Number of seriously ill : 40 ( +2)
Home medical treatment : 497 ( +52)
Hotel medical treatment : 627 ( +25)
Adjusting for “hospitalization or hotel or home treatment” : 329 ( -169)
People discharged from hospital or
those who have completed medical treatment at home: 31,704 ( +227)
*( )= increase from the day before
Net increase in infected people in Tokyo
= (Number of new infections)
- (Number of people who completed medical treatment)
- (Number of deaths)
= 180 - 227 - 2
= -47 people
Estimated total number of infected people in Tokyo as of today
= (Number of positives)
- (end of medical treatment period such as discharge)
- (Number of deaths)
= 34,931 - 31,704 - 472
= 2,755 people
*Tokyo currently has 8 facilities for infected people
(Capacity of 2400 people)
* A hospital in Tokyo has secured 2350 beds (+150 beds for critically ill patients).
→ Aim to secure 2,700 beds.
* In addition, we will open two specialized hospitals from September to October, and plan to add another 200 beds.
*The hotels are that,
“the b Hachiouji”, “the b Ikebukuro”, “DayniceHOTEL Tokyo”,
“Toyoko INN Shinjukukabukicho”, “Toyoko INN Tokyo Station Shinoohashimae”
“Shinagawa Prince Hotel (East Tower)”,
“APA Hotel Asakusa Taharamachi Ekimae (8/13 added)”,
“Tokyo Toranomon Tokyu REI Hotel (8/17 added)”
*The source of the total number of infected persons is from 東京都
・Rich contacts [74] people
(about 41% of the total)
・Unknown infection route [106] people
(about 59% of the total)
・Quarantine at the airport
Case study | Response (arrival date) |
Age | gender | residence | Behavior history | Symptom |
1348 | Narita (11/15) |
Forties | male | Kanagawa Prefecture | Russia | Asymptomatic |
1349 | Narita (11/15) |
50s | male | Toyama Prefecture | Russia | Asymptomatic |
1350 | Narita (11/15) |
Forties | male | Aichi prefecture | United States of America | Asymptomatic |
1351 | Narita (11/16) |
20’s | male | Nara Prefecture | Mexico | Asymptomatic |
*From the website of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
*Since the number of new infections in Tokyo seems to be almost the number of the previous day,
(Because the deadline for the number of new infections on the day is from 9:00 am the day before to 9:00 am on the day)
And also today, I will summarize some prefectures that have a high number of infected people, not just in the Tokyo area.
*** Saitama ***
・New infections are [87] people
→Jurisdiction of Saitama Prefectural Office [59] people
Saitama City [9] person(s)
Kawaguchi City [12] person(s)
Koshigaya City [3] person(s)
Kawagoe City [4] person(s)
・Outbreak of day service center in Kawaguchi City [N/A] person(s)
*Facility name: “Irohaen”
*Cumulative 11 people
・Outbreak of special nursing home for the elderly in Kawaguchi City [4] person(s)
*Facility name: “Comprehensive Care Center River In”
*Cumulative 50 people
* I’m sorry, but the number of people in Saitama by region comes out, but the details are often late or not come out on the day …
*** Kanagawa ***
・New infections are [61] people
・Nosocomial infection at “Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital” in Yokohama City [5] person(s)
*Cumulative 32 people
・Nosocomial infection at a municipal hospital in Chigasaki City [3] person(s)
*Cumulative 3 people
*Outpatient / emergency is usually under medical treatment.
*** Chiba ***
・New infections are [37] people
・Outbreak of the special elderly nursing home “Hondaen” in Chiba City [36] person(s)
*Cumulative 38 people
Chiba Prefecture has decided to business suspension request for restaurants that do not follow the guidelines of industry groups to close after 8 am on August 8.
Targets are karaoke shops and restaurants with entertainment.
*** Osaka ***
・New infections are [73] people
・ I couldn’t confirm the details today …
(About changing the counting method in Osaka City)
*until now,
16:00 the day before → 16:00 on the day
was the aggregation period, but after November 16th
0:00 the day before → 24:00 the day before
It is said that it will be the amount that was found.
→ As a result, the numbers announced in Osaka will be almost the same as the previous day.
*In Osaka, details rarely came out on the day, so it would be nice if you could understand this on the day.
*** Aichi ***
・New infections are [63] people
→Nagoya City [38] people
・Aichi Prefectural Police West Station [6?] person(s)
*1 person has been confirmed to be infected
*It is said that 6 people in the same section complain of poor physical condition and will be inspected. ..
*** Okinawa ***
・New infections are [27] people
→US military base: [1] person(s) (*Futenma base (1) )
*Cumulative 436 US military personel
*Not included in the number of infected people in Okinawa
*** Fukuoka ***
・New infections are [18] person(s)
◆◆◆ Hokkaido ◆◆◆
・New infections are [189] person(s)
→Sapporo City [124] people
* Outbreak of restaurant with night entertainment in Susukino, Sapporo City [N/A] person(s)
*Cumulative 15 people
・Nosocomial infection at “Hokkaido Hospital” in Sapporo City [N/A] person(s)
*Cumulative 5 people
・Outbreak of “Dream House”, a special nursing home for the elderly in Sapporo City [4] person(s)
*Cumulative 92 people
・Nosocomial infection at “Yoshida Hospital” in Asahikawa City [5] person(s)
*Cumulative 61 people
・ Outbreak of “Municipal Sakae Junior High School” in Sapporo City [3] person(s)
*Cumulative N/A people
・ Outbreak of the Ground Self-Defense Force Higashi-Chitose station [16] person(s)
*Cumulative 17 people
・ Outbreak of day service center in Kushiro City [N/A] person(s)
*Cumulative 5 people
・Nosocomial infection at “Hokkaido Chuo Rosai Hospital” in Iwamizawa City [2] person(s)
*Cumulative 24 people
・Nosocomial infection at “Takikawa Central Hospital” in Takikawa City [3] person(s)
*Cumulative 17 people
* In Hokkaido, outbreaks are rarely known on the day of the outbreak, and since it will be revealed and announced the next day or later, the cumulative number of people will be announced instead of the number on the day of the outbreak.
And Regarding this↓
In Hokkaido, in response to the number of newly infected people reaching 187 on November 7,
the alert level of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) was raised from “2” to “3”.
Along with that, government of Hokkaido requested that the “entertainment district at night” of Susukino (Sapporo City) not be open from 22:00 to 5:00 the next morning.
* It was news that the alert level was raised to “3”, but what surprised me was that even though the number of infected people was so high, but this “alert level” has “5 levels” .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
↑Only Sapporo City will be the alert level as equivalent to “4”, and it seems that it requests refraining from going out unnecessarily and refraining from going back and forth with Sapporo City.
◆◆◆ Hyogo ◆◆◆
・New infections are [40] person(s)
・Outbreak of athletic club at Mukogawa Women’s University [N/A] person(s)
*Cumulative 40 people (16 people have been identified today)
* Others At this time (20:30), it seems that more than 10 people have been confirmed to be infected in the following 5 areas …
▽ Kyoto prefecture (11 people)
▽ Ibaraki prefecture (10 people)
▽ Shizuoka prefecture (12 people)
▽ Gifu prefecture (14 people)
▽ Shizuoka prefecture (10 people)
*Graph of the number of newly infected people in Japan as of yesterday
From such a topic today …
As you all know, the “Go To (travel) Campaign” is no longer applicable to business trips and trips with high-priced items (such as license camps), but I thought “How do they actually decide?” ,
they seem to be doing amazing things!
The Go To Travel Secretariat has informed the accommodations that they will refuse the request of writing company name on the receipt when the trip is using “Go To (travel) Campaign” !
I’m relieved that they will check it very rigorously. .. .. Lol
And next is here!
In response to the minister in charge of economics Nishimura, who is the leader in measures against the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in Japan, “calling for 17 consecutive holidays during the year-end and New Year holidays,” the article said,
“No, you love going to work on holidays …”
I personally think “?” To Minister Nishimura because he doesn’t take proper measures, but he is a person who works hard!
Well … the source of this article is like a weekly magazine, so how true is it …!
And overseas,
And overseas, it seems that the situation is still tough, with British Prime Minister Johnson entering quarantine as a “rich contact” for the new coronavirus (COVID-19).
(It’s horrifying to think that Prime Minister Suga will become a “rich contact” in Japan or an outbreak will occur in the House of Representatives …)
In Japan,
s I mentioned in this “Summary Article” several times, it seems difficult to issue a “state of emergency” again under the current Japanese law, and Toru Hashimoto, a lawyer who also served as the Mayor of Osaka, asserted that “it is impossible under the current law.”
According to Professor Hashimoto,
“Under the current law, a state of emergency is issued with a” rapid spread throughout the country. “ “
I’m sorry for my personal opinion, but from an amateur’s point of view, I think it’s how and when this “national and rapid spread and spread all over the country” is judged…, but
like this article I introduced earlier

isn’t the government’s assumption for “Epidemic” set too high?
If the government issues a state of emergency, I want it to be issued quickly and properly, and to end it without thinking about “With COVID-19”!
The last is data!
Always like this ↓
In addition, net increase in COVID-19 in Tokyo on Nov 15 was..
(255 new infections)-(109 treatment ends)-(0 deaths)
= “Increase” of [146]people…https://t.co/vpzdU83NJo#CoronaVirus #COVID19calendar #COVID19Japan #COVIDー19 #COVID__19— acertainfox512 (@acertainfox512) November 16, 2020
↑ I tried to make a graph of “Increase / decrease in patients with new coronavirus (COVID-19) throughout Tokyo” that I always inform you like this!
◆◆◆ ”Increase / decrease in patients with new coronavirus (COVID-19) throughout Tokyo” ◆◆◆
When I tried this, there were quite a few days when it decreased until the beginning of November, but recently it has increased abnormally …
By the way, when the number of patients with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in Tokyo decreased the most,
it was [1616 people] on October 27th,
but as of November 15, it is [2804 people]….
I want them to become [0 people] as soon as possible. .. !!
And as for the information on vaccines and therapeutic drugs that I always post, “The past flow of Vaccine development and therapeutic drug” and “How much are currently secured, and when vaccines will be supplied to Japan” etc. are summarized!
“Vaccine” solves this “new coronavirus (COVID-19) infectious disease” fundamentally, so if you have time, please read it!

By the way, there was also such information related to above ↓

The news of despair ran around on September 9th,
“The clinical trial of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine under development by British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca and Oxford University, which is scheduled to be completed in September this month, is suspended.”
There was no follow-up report on major news sites such as NHK and Yahoo !, so I did some research and summarized this!
The result is … it looks reassuring! (lol)
So if you have time, please read it!
This was approved by the UK government authorities on September 13th, and clinical trials in the UK have resumed!
Also in Japan, according to the report on September 15, it has been decided that clinical trials will be resumed in stages from this week at the earliest in Japan!
Even if the clinical trials are completed in the UK and the vaccine is approved, we cannot be vaccinated unless it is approved in Japan, so I am really happy that the clinical trials in Japan will be resumed!
And this article↓
How long time the materials such as paper, cloth, plastic, etc. need to eliminating the risk when coronavirus is attached, and how effective disinfection is.
If you are interested, please take a look!
And here’s a trial calculation of how many people in Japan are actually receiving medical treatment.
(Number of people infected nationwide) 120,358
+ (Number of hospital discharges ) 1919
+ (Number of hospital discharges ) 104,333
= 14,106 people ( +90) ← being treated
*()=increase from the day before
(If it is exactly as announced)
For those who are undergoing medical treatment nationwide are…
Today’s increase was only double digits because the number was small in Osaka due to the change in the counting method!
… Rather, I want them to “decrease” …
By the way, there was an article like this today. (Lol)
・”The couple got along well due to the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) infection”
・”The couple got along worse due to the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) infection”
The number of people who answered that their husband and wife got along well was three times as many as those who answered that they got worse!
I tought…
“No … you guys (newspapers / weekly magazines) said that the number of super divorces increased during the first wave of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) …”
It’s really hard for couples to get better or worse (on paper)!
I wonder what they are doing for this kind of research?
It’s easy to get stressed every day, but let’s work together to survive the “new coronavirus (COVID-19) infectious disease”, whether it’s family, company, or friendship!
Please be very careful when you go out!
◆Changes in New Coronavirus Infection in Tokyo◆
Sep | |||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Total |
– | – | 170 | 141 | 211 | 136 | 181 | 1087 |
116 | 77 | 170 | 149 | 276 | 187 | 226 | 1201 |
146 | 80 | 191 | 163 | 171 | 220 | 218 | 1189 |
162 | 98 | 88 | 59 | 195 | 195 | 270 | 1067 |
144 | 78 | 212 | 194 | – | – | – | – |
Oct | |||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Total |
– | – | – | – | 235 | 196 | 207 | 1266 |
108 | 66 | 177 | 142 | 248 | 203 | 249 | 1193 |
146 | 78 | 166 | 177 | 284 | 184 | 235 | 1270 |
132 | 78 | 139 | 150 | 185 | 186 | 203 | 1073 |
124 | 102 | 158 | 171 | 221 | 204 | 215 | 1195 |
Nov | |||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Total |
116 | 87 | 209 | 122 | 269 | 242 | 294 | 1339 |
189 | 157 | 293 | 317 | 393 | 374 | 352 | 2075 |
255 | 180 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
– | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
– | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
*Unit: person (number of infected people on that day)
my boyfriend loved it !
[…] (From the summary article on November 16th) […]