*** This article is written with the help of Google Translate… ***
248 ( +106 from the day before) new infections confirmed in Tokyo.
◆◆◆ Japan ◆◆◆
Number of people infected nationwide : 619 ( +110)
Number of people deaths nationwide : 3 ( -2)
Number of people infected in Tokyo : 248 ( +106)
*( )= increase from the day before
Number of people infected nationwide : 88,475 ( +618)
Number of people deaths nationwide : 1632 ( +3)
Number of hospital discharges : 80,886 ( +551)
*( )= increase from the day before
Number of seriously ill persons nationwide : 143 ( +2)
Narita Airport Quarantine : 5 ( -1 / Total 1,177)
*( )= increase from the day before
(*All of the above from 2020/10/08 20:16 / NHK NEWS WEB)
(Cumulative) * The following is up to 10 worst prefectures.
(*2020/10/08 20:16 / NHK NEWS WEB)
▽東京都 (Tokyo) 27,117人 (前日+248人)
▽大阪府 (Osaka) 10,999人 (前日+ 49人)
▽神奈川県 (Kanagawa) 7330人 (前日+ 65人)
▽愛知県 (Aichi) 5505人 (前日+ 15人)
▽福岡県 (Fukuoka) 5077人 (前日+ 8人)
▽埼玉県 (Saitama) 4920人 (前日+ 44人)
▽千葉県 (Chiba) 4178人 (前日+ 39人)
▽兵庫県 (Hyogo) 2865人 (前日+ 27人)
▽沖縄県 (Okinawa) 2682人 (前日+26人)
▽北海道 (Hokkaido) 2296人 (前日+29人)
*( )= increase from the day before
◆◆◆ World ◆◆◆
Number of people infected nationwide : 36,44,129 ( +390,313)
Number of people deaths nationwide : 1,061,469 ( +6,748)
Number of hospital discharges: 27,441,722 ( +285,425)
( All of the above from 2020/10/08 20:15 / worldometers)
*( )= increase from the day before
Today … I already said what I wanted to say when I posted the breaking news on Twitter. lol
って言ってたんですけど…誰も木曜日に感染者数爆発する所まで似なさい!なんてい言ってないです~~~!!😭 pic.twitter.com/1SnRd2c5ac
— acertainfox512 (@acertainfox512) October 8, 2020
(*By the way!! Until yesterday, I was saying, “The change in the number of infected people this week in Tokyo is somewhat similar to the second week of September,” but I didn’t say “Must be similar the place where the number of infected people increases dramatically on Thursday!”!!)
Well, I will summarize
the breakdown of the number of new infections in Tokyo + α …!
Out of [248] new infections in Tokyo
・Today’s newly infected people are men and women in their under10 to 90s
・[110] people is in their 20s to 30s
(about 44% of the total)
・[81] people is in their 40s to 50s
(about 33% of the total)
*under10 : [4] persons
*10s : [8] persons
*20s : [49] persons
*30s : [61] persons
*40s : [42] persons
*50s : [39] persons
*60s : [20] persons
*70s : [16] persons
*80s : [9] persons
*90s : [0] persons
*over100 : [0] persons
・ [11] people is
in 『the entertainment district at night』
→Employees and guests such as host clubs and cabaret clubs
・Infection at home [37] people
・Infection at office [9] people
・Infection at a dinner with friends and acquaintances [8] people
・Infection in the facility [7] people
・Infection via other routes [N/A] people
・Nosocomial infection at “Nerima Hospital, Juntendo University School of Medicine” in Nerima Ward [2] person(s)
*Cumulative total of 56 people
・Multiple infections are still occurring in 『the entertainment district at night』. ..
→Multiple infections of karaoke bar [3 people]
*** Information on people under medical treatment in Tokyo ***
Number of hospitalized : 979 ( +3)
Number of seriously ill : 22 ( -2)
Home medical treatment :366 ( -14)
Hotel medical treatment : 216 ( -20)
Adjusting for “hospitalization or hotel or home treatment” :366 ( +90)
People discharged from hospital or
those who have completed medical treatment at home: 24,773 ( +188)
*( )= increase from the day before
Net increase in infected people in Tokyo
= (Number of new infections)
- (Number of people who completed medical treatment)
- (Number of deaths)
= 248 - 188 - 1
= +59 people
Estimated total number of infected people in Tokyo as of today
= (Number of positives)
- (end of medical treatment period such as discharge)
- (Number of deaths)
= 27,117 - 24,773 - 417
= 1,927 people
*Tokyo currently has 8 facilities for infected people
(Capacity of 2400 people)
* A hospital in Tokyo has secured 2350 beds (+150 beds for critically ill patients).
→ Aim to secure 2,700 beds.
* In addition, we will open two specialized hospitals from September to October, and plan to add another 200 beds.
*The hotels are that,
“the b Hachiouji”, “the b Ikebukuro”, “DayniceHOTEL Tokyo”,
“Toyoko INN Shinjukukabukicho”, “Toyoko INN Tokyo Station Shinoohashimae”
“Shinagawa Prince Hotel (East Tower)”,
“APA Hotel Asakusa Taharamachi Ekimae (8/13 added)”,
“Tokyo Toranomon Tokyu REI Hotel (8/17 added)”
*The source of the total number of infected persons is from 東京都
・Rich contacts [90] people
(about 36% of the total)
・Unknown infection route [158] people
(about 64% of the total)
・Quarantine at the airport
Arriving at Narita/Haneda Airport,
→Men from 4 countries etc. [5] person(s)
*Since the number of new infections in Tokyo seems to be almost the number of the previous day,
(Because the deadline for the number of new infections on the day is from 9:00 am the day before to 9:00 am on the day)
And also today, I will summarize some prefectures that have a high number of infected people, not just in the Tokyo area.
*** Saitama ***
・New infections are [44] people
→Jurisdiction of Saitama Prefectural Office [28] people
Saitama City [10] person(s)
Kawaguchi City [3] person(s)
Koshigaya City [2] person(s)
Kawagoe City [1] person(s)
・Outbreak of cabaret club “AVATON” in Omiya-ku, Saitama City [1 person]
*Cumulative 6 people
*** Kanagawa ***
・New infections are [65] people
* There were a large number of in-facility infections (special nursing homes for the elderly, outpatient facilities for the disabled, etc.) of around 5 people.
* In some cases, an infection was found when an test was conducted because there was an infected person in the household after the death of a man in his 90s…
*** Chiba ***
・New infections are [39] people
・ A couple in their 20s invites an acquaintance man to their home → dinner for 2 days → all infected
→Two days later, the couple participated in a dinner for eight people → Infected two people under 10 years old
→Infected 3 family members of acquaintance men
・Wife and daughter eat at acquaintance’s house with 9 people → all infected → husband also infected
Chiba Prefecture has decided to business suspension request for restaurants that do not follow the guidelines of industry groups to close after 8 am on August 8.
Targets are karaoke shops and restaurants with entertainment.
*** Osaka ***
・New infections are [49] people
→Outbreak of preschoolers and staff at a children’s facility in Sakai City [1 person]
*Cumulative 9 people
*** Aichi ***
・New infections are [15] people
→There is no information today…
*** Okinawa ***
・New infections are [26] people
→US military base: [0] person(s)
*Cumulative 406 US military personel
*Not included in the number of infected people in Okinaw
*** Fukuoka ***
・New infections are [8] person(s)
There were some “re-infections” in Japan today.
Even if I just looked at it while counting, 3 cases,
・ Women in their 20s in Nanjo City, Okinawa Prefecture
・ Women in their 20s under the jurisdiction of the Southern Health Center in Okinawa Prefecture
・ A man in his 80s in Saitama City (Infection in May → Healed in June / Repositive on October 7)
Please be careful and stay alert. .. ..
As you all know … Today was full of this topics!
Go Toイート 少額利用抑制の対応を 農水省 飲食店に呼びかけへ
Go Toイート「利用金額 付与ポイント未満は付与せず」官房長官
“Go To Eat” will be given
500 points (500 yen) per person for lunch and
1000 points (1000 yen) per person for dinner
when you reserve a restaurant via the reservation site and can be used from the next time onwards. This is a great government campaign, but it has become a problem because points are given even for a fee of 300 yen or less in a reasonable izakaya chain such as “Torikizoku”.
(*Because some customers stayed for less than 300 yen for several hours and got 1000 points.)
In response to this, it seems that the government is considering not giving points if the usage amount is less than points, but urgently they are calling for it to set a certain amount condition such as “only course reservation” to restaurants.
Anyway, It’s a trick or a rough trick … I’m even impressed …
And, I laughed a little at Yahoo!’s top news about this …
(*Meaning: Alchemy (meaning to make money by free translation in Japan)!)
And when it comes to “doing bad things”, there was news like this!
「持続化給付金を不正受給してしまった」相談相次ぐ 逮捕者は30人に
“Sustainable benefits” are government support measures that provide
up to 2 million yen to small and medium-sized enterprises and
up to 1 million yen to sole proprietors for businesses
whose sales have dropped significantly due to the effects of the new coronavirus (COVID-19). However, there are cases in which people receive illegal payments even though they are not actually doing business, which is a problem. Probably you already know, right …?!
Regarding that, the government seems to demand that “if fraudulent receipt is confirmed, an additional 20% will be added and returned”, but
“if the Small and Medium Business Administration voluntarily return it before starting the investigation, the additional money will be no need.”
It seems that there is a flood of consultations for refunds now …
That number is over 200 ………..
Too many….
The younger generation is conspicuous, saying, “I was invited by a friend of the university and applied for it, and I received 1 million yen.
I understand that it is impossible because there are too many people, but I want people who are really in trouble to receive enough money.
And the topic changes, but today there was news like this!
Although it is not directly related to the new corona virus (COVID-19), it seems that a venture company in Tokyo has installed a high-tech trash box around JR Harajuku Station with the permission of the city!
What’s high tech is follows,
①A sensor is attached to the trash can to compress the trash accumulated inside.
→Can hold 6 times the size of the trash can
②Further notify the amount of garbage to streamline the collection work.
③Moreover, get power with a solar panel
Isn’t this great! ??
Garbage will not overflow anymore! Lol
In addition, it has already been introduced in New York and Philadelphia in the United States, and it seems that the frequency of garbage collection has decreased to about 10% to 50%!
I hope there will be more beautiful cities thanks to this trash can!
The last topic is here ….
The government seems to be considering further easing immigration restrictions, but the content is too shocking………….
入国制限緩和 海外出張などから入国時の14日間待機 免除検討
About Japanese people traveling abroad or foreigners with a status of residence enter Japan, Japanese government are considering deciding to exempt them from waiting for 14 days (although there are certain conditions) now.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Isn’t it like that? ?? ??
Moreover, the “certain conditions” are as follows:
①Submission of an “activity plan” that describes the places to visit, etc.
②Do not use public transportation after entering Japan
③当For the time being, set a limit on the number of immigrants
Moreover, regarding the “infectious disease risk information” issued to Japanese people, it seems that it is currently a “travel cancellation recommendation” for 159 countries and regions, but this month in some countries and regions, it is said that it is considering reducing it to “self-restraint from traveling” and excluding it from the subject of immigration denial. .. .. .. ..
They think that they are limiting the risk by airport quarantine and ① “activity plan”, but even airport quarantine can slip through, and ① may go to other places, and ② is only as effective as the “effort goal” (whether or not you actually ride it depends on the person), and if it is “unnecessary and unurgent travel refrain”, it seems that if people like, they can go on an overseas trip. It is a too scary, isn’t it? .. .. ..
Perhaps the government is trying to prioritize the economy too much and feels that the new coronavirus (COVID-19) is only as dangerous as influenza …
However, even influenza is vaccinated, so after it has been vaccinated and can be vaccinated at least, we would like them to ease regulation ….
I can understand that the economy is on the edge, but I think that will be the end when the infection of the new coronavirus spreads next time.
And I’m surprised that this isn’t big news…
By the way,
PCR検査のWEB予約 ビジネス目的の渡航者対象に8日から可能に
The government has already anticipated that traffic to and from overseas will gradually ease, and it seems that it has started a new system today that allows travelers for business purposes to make reservations for PCR tests on the Web.
It is possible at 300 medical institutions nationwide, and you can know the time zone and fee.
It seems that 8,000 people can be tested on weekdays.
Even though I’m a little confused they are already looking at the gradual relaxation of traffic to and from overseas,
]but this system has become commonplace so that anyone can easily take tests every day. I hope it will be!
And as for the information on vaccines and therapeutic drugs that I always post, “The past flow of Vaccine development and therapeutic drug” and “How much are currently secured, and when vaccines will be supplied to Japan” etc. are summarized!
“Vaccine” solves this “new coronavirus (COVID-19) infectious disease” fundamentally, so if you have time, please read it!

By the way, there was also such information related to above ↓

The news of despair ran around on September 9th,
“The clinical trial of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine under development by British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca and Oxford University, which is scheduled to be completed in September this month, is suspended.”
There was no follow-up report on major news sites such as NHK and Yahoo !, so I did some research and summarized this!
The result is … it looks reassuring! (lol)
So if you have time, please read it!
This was approved by the UK government authorities on September 13th, and clinical trials in the UK have resumed!
Also in Japan, according to the report on September 15, it has been decided that clinical trials will be resumed in stages from this week at the earliest in Japan!
Even if the clinical trials are completed in the UK and the vaccine is approved, we cannot be vaccinated unless it is approved in Japan, so I am really happy that the clinical trials in Japan will be resumed!
And this article↓
How long time the materials such as paper, cloth, plastic, etc. need to eliminating the risk when coronavirus is attached, and how effective disinfection is.
If you are interested, please take a look!
And here’s a trial calculation of how many people in Japan are actually receiving medical treatment.
(Number of people infected nationwide) 88,475
+ (Number of hospital discharges ) 1632
+ (Number of hospital discharges ) 80,886
= 5,957 people ← being treated
(If it is exactly as announced)
For those who are undergoing medical treatment nationwide are…
Today is the opposite of yesterday, and the number of people in Tokyo and the whole country has increased by about 50. ..
I’m really sorry that there are so many frustrating articles today!
So I’m going to end with a funny article!
It seems that some Japanese is well established in the Republic of Palau in the south of Japan, but listening to it makes us feel a little relaxed! Lol
It’s funny (lol)
By the way, there is also a video created by the Japanese Embassy. .. But,
Don’t look at it on the train or bus! !! !! !! !!
Because you will definitely have a grin! !! !! !!
…… It ’s absolutely make you laugh! !! !! !! Lol
Then, let’s all work together to survive this “new coronavirus (COVID-19) infectious disease” !
Please be very careful when you go out!
◆Changes in New Coronavirus Infection in Tokyo◆
Aug | |||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Total |
– | – | – | – | – | – | 472 | 2187 |
292 | 258 | 309 | 263 | 360 | 462 | 429 | 2373 |
331 | 197 | 188 | 222 | 206 | 389 | 385 | 1918 |
260 | 161 | 207 | 186 | 339 | 258 | 256 | 1667 |
212 | 95 | 182 | 236 | 250 | 226 | 247 | 1448 |
148 | 100 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Aug | |||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Total |
– | – | 170 | 141 | 211 | 136 | 181 | 1087 |
116 | 77 | 170 | 149 | 276 | 187 | 226 | 1201 |
146 | 80 | 191 | 163 | 171 | 220 | 218 | 1189 |
162 | 98 | 88 | 59 | 195 | 195 | 270 | 1067 |
144 | 78 | 212 | 194 | – | – | – | – |
Oct | |||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Total |
– | – | – | – | 235 | 196 | 207 | 1266 |
108 | 66 | 177 | 142 | 248 | – | – | – |
– | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
– | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
– | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
*Unit: person (number of infected people on that day)
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