(4/09) Tokyo today about COVID-19 [Fixed Value]



***  This article is written with the help of Google Translate… ***



537 ( -8 from the day before) new infections confirmed in Tokyo.





◆◆◆ Japan ◆◆◆



Number of people infected nationwide : 3,454 ( +7)

Number of people deaths nationwide : 27 ( +2)

Number of people infected in Tokyo : 537 ( -8)

 *( )= increase  from the day before



Number of people infected nationwide : 501,134 ( +3,532)

Number of people deaths nationwide : 9,378 ( +27)

Number of hospital discharges : 459,499 ( +1,790)

 *( )= increase  from the day before

* Since revisions are made daily by local governments and the media,
the cumulative total may differ from the new figures for the day.


Number of seriously ill persons nationwide : 483 ( +19



Airport(+Seaport) Quarantine : 10 ( -7 / Total 2,631)

  *( )= increase  from the day before




(Cumulative) * The following is up to 10 worst prefectures.

▽東京都 (Tokyo)          124,987人 (前日+ 537人)
▽大阪府 (Osaka)          58414人 (前日+  883人)
▽神奈川県 (Kanagawa) 49,235人 (前日+ 168人) 
▽埼玉県 (Saitama)        34,048人 (前日+ 131人)
▽千葉県 (Chiba)           30,539人 (前日+ 102人)
▽愛知県 (Aichi)            28,517人 (前日+ 175人)
▽兵庫県 (Hyogo)          22,160人 (前日+  314人)
▽北海道 (Hokkaido)     21,595人 (前日+ 83人)
▽福岡県 (Fukuoka)        19,354人 (前日+ 54人)
▽沖縄県 (Okinawa)       10,465人 (前日+ 131人)

*( )= increase  from the day before




 (*All of the above from 2021/04/09 20:41 /  NHK NEWS WEB)



◆◆◆ World ◆◆◆



Number of people infected nationwide  134,638,947 ( +817,452)

Number of people deaths nationwide : 2,917,973 ( +13,968)

Number of hospital discharges : 108,413,449 ( +509,758)

( All of the above from 2021/04/09 20:00 / worldometers)

*( )= increase  from the day before





The number of newly infected people in Tokyo is more than 500 for 3 consecutive days …



The second wave peak in August last year was over 400 people and despair struck.

However, after the 3rd wave, the fear that no one will make much noise even if it exceeds 500 people …





Meanwhile… How about the amount of people in the city in Tokyo…↓

(Around 15:00 on Apr 09, Shibuya Scramble Crossing, Tokyo)



Well, I will summarize

the breakdown of the number of new infections in Tokyo + α …!



Out of [537] new infections in Tokyo


・Today’s newly infected people are men and women in their under10 to 90s

[268] people is in their 20s to 30s

  (about 50% of the total) 

[170] people is in their 40s to 50s

  (about 32% of the total)

     *under10 : [10] persons
     *10s : [35] persons
     *20s : [173] persons
     *30s : [95] persons
     *40s : [97] persons
     *50s : [76] persons
     *60s : [21] persons
     *70s : [16] persons
     *80s : [12] persons
     *90s : [5] persons
     *over100 : [0] persons


[N/A] people is

  in 『the entertainment district at night』
  →Employees and guests such as host clubs and cabaret clubs


Infection at home [122] people

Infection at office [33] people

Infection at a dinner with friends and acquaintances [22] people

Infection in the facility [16] people

Infection via other routes [N/A] people


* Infection in the facility [16] people
  [5] medical institutions, [5] people
  + [-] facilities for the elderly, [-] people


*Bed usage rate: 29.9% (←30.1%)

 for severely ill people: 13.0% (←12.3%)

   *( )= Number of the previous day


(Individual infection information

 ・It seems that [4] people have died in Tokyo today …

 <Number of deaths by route>
   ・Hospital           ― [-] person(s)
   ・Facilities for the elderly ― [-] person(s)

   ・Home             ― [-
] person(s)
   ・meal                ― [-
] person(s)
   ・Unknown           ― [-
] person(s)


(Outbreak information)

 ・Iwai Keiaien, a long-term care health facility in Edogawa Ward
       *Today [7] person(s) / Cumulative [N/A] person(s)


***  Information on people under medical treatment in Tokyo  ***

Number of hospitalized :  1,510 ( -11)

Number of seriously ill :  43 ( +2)

Hotel medical treatment : 880 ( +44)

Home medical treatment :  773 ( +24)

Adjusting for “hospitalization or hotel or home treatment” : 813 ( -5)

People discharged from hospital or

those who have completed medical treatment at home: 119,213 ( +481)

 *( )= increase  from the day before


Net increase in infected people in Tokyo

 = (Number of new infections)

   - (Number of people who completed medical treatment)

   - (Number of deaths)

 = 537 - 481  - 4

 = +52 people


Estimated total number of infected people in Tokyo as of today

 = (Number of positives)

   - (end of medical treatment period such as discharge)

   - (Number of deaths)

 = 124,987 - 119,213 - 1,798

 = 3,976 people


*Tokyo currently has 12 facilities for infected people
 (Capacity of 5,048 people)


* A hospital in Tokyo has secured 4716 beds (+332 beds for critically ill patients).
 → According to national standards, the number of beds for severe cases was 1024.


*The hotels are that,

“the b Ikebukuro”, “DayniceHOTEL Tokyo”,
“Toyoko INN Shinjukukabukicho”,
“Toyoko INN Tokyo Station Shinoohashimae”,
“Shinagawa Prince Hotel (East Tower)”,
“Apa Hotel Asakusa Taharamachi Ekimae”,
“Tokyo Toranomon Tokyu REI Hotel”,
“Toyoko Inn Fuchu Nanbu Line Minamitama Station”,
“APA Hotel & Resort Nishi-Shinjuku 5-chome Station Tower”,
“Tokyo Pet-accompanied accommodation facility”,
“APA Hotel Yamanote Otsuka Station Tower”,
“Toyoko Inn Ikebukuro North Exit II”

* 東京都福祉保健局 *3施設追加|東京都


*The source of the total number of infected persons is from 東京都




■ Of today’s number of infected people [537]

Rich contacts [224] people

   (about 42% of the total)

Unknown infection route [313] people

    (about 58% of the total)

・Overseas travel history holder [1] person(s)

* Bringing in samples from outside of Tokyo [16 cases]




Quarantine at the airport

Case study Response
(arrival date)
Age sex residence Behavior history Symptom
2444 Narita
30s male Saitama Pakistan Asymptomatic
2445 Narita
50s male Saitama Pakistan Asymptomatic
2446 Narita
50s male Saitama Kenya Asymptomatic
2447 Narita
Forties Woman Saitama Kenya Asymptomatic
2448 Narita
10’s male Saitama Kenya Asymptomatic
2449 Narita
10’s Woman Saitama Kenya Asymptomatic
2450 Narita
10’s male Saitama Kenya Asymptomatic
2451 Narita
20’s male Tokyo United States of America Asymptomatic
2452 Narita
20’s male Chiba prefecture Philippines Asymptomatic
2453 Haneda
50s male Tokyo India Asymptomatic

*From the website of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare



*Since the number of new infections in Tokyo seems to be almost the number of the previous day,

(Because the deadline for the number of new infections on the day is from 9:00 am the day before to 9:00 am on the day)





And also today, I will summarize some prefectures that have a high number of infected people, not just in the Tokyo area.



*** Saitama ***

New infections are [131] people  

   →Saitama City    [12] person(s)
    Kawaguchi City [22] person(s)
    Koshigaya City   [7] person(s)
    Kawagoe City      [5] person(s)
    Other municipalities [85] person(s)


(Individual infection information)

 ・Facilities for the elderly in the prefecture
       *Today [1] person(s) / Cumulative [12] person(s)

 ・ Paid nursing home for the elderly in Kawaguchi City
       *Today [1] person(s) / Cumulative [40] person(s)


    * I’m sorry, but the number of people in Saitama by region comes out, but the details are often late or not come out on the day …




*** Kanagawa ***

New infections are [168] people

  ・Rich contacts [90] people
  ・Unknown infection route [78] people


(Individual infection information)

 ・ “Heisei Yokohama Hospital” in Yokohama City
       *Today [2] person(s) / Cumulative [49] person(s)

 ・Social welfare facilities under the jurisdiction of Odawara City
       *Today [8] person(s) / Cumulative [8] person(s)




*** Chiba ***

New infections are [102] people


(Individual infection information)

 * Today, I could not confirm the outbreak information only with the individual infection information.




*** Osaka ***

New infections are [883] people *More than Tokyo for 11 consecutive days

 ・ I couldn’t confirm the information today …




*** Aichi ***

New infections are [172] people

   Nagoya City [57] people




*** Okinawa ***

New infections are [131] people


    →US military base:[N/A] person(s)

       *Cumulative 919 US military personel

       *Not included in the number of infected people in Okinawa




*** Fukuoka ***

New infections are [54] person(s)

   →Fukuoka City    [26] people 
   →Kitakyushu City [12] people
   →Kurume City       [-] people




◆◆◆ Hokkaido ◆◆◆

New infections are [83] person(s)

   →Sapporo City [56] people


(Individual infection information)

 ・Medical institutions in Sapporo City
       *Today [new] person(s) /Cumulative [12] person(s)

 ・Real estate company in Sapporo City
       *Today [new] person(s) /Cumulative [7] person(s)


     * In Hokkaido, outbreaks are rarely known on the day of the outbreak, and since it will be revealed and announced the next day or later, the cumulative number of people will be announced instead of the number on the day of the outbreak.




◆◆◆ Hyogo ◆◆◆

New infections are [314] person(s)


(Individual infection information)

 ・Same club activities of high schools in Itami jurisdiction
       *Today [new] person(s) /Cumulative [7] person(s)

 ・Private high school athletic club in Nishinomiya City
       *Today [new] person(s) /Cumulative [5] person(s)




◆◆◆ Kyoto ◆◆◆

New infections are [96] person(s)

 ・ I couldn’t confirm the information today …




* Others At this time (20:30), it seems that more than 10 people have been confirmed to be infected in the following areas …

▽ Ibaraki Prefecture has 7031 people (38)
▽ Miyagi Prefecture has 6983 people (121)
▽ Shizuoka Prefecture has 5926 people (23)
▽ Hiroshima prefecture has 5253 people (14)
▽ Gunma Prefecture has 5208 people (17)
▽ Gifu Prefecture has 4985 people (24)
▽ Tochigi Prefecture has 4891 people (41)
▽ Nara Prefecture has 4291 people (96)
▽ Nagano Prefecture has 3117 people (48)
▽ Mie Prefecture has 2941 people (17)
▽ Shiga Prefecture has 2938 people (14)
▽ Okayama Prefecture has 2869 people (39)
▽ Fukushima Prefecture has 2774 people (15)
▽ Ishikawa Prefecture has 2014 people (22)
▽ Kagoshima Prefecture has 1905 people (8)
▽ Niigata Prefecture has 1681 people (28)
▽ Ehime Prefecture has 1654 people (27)
▽ Wakayama Prefecture has 1498 people (44)
▽ Yamagata Prefecture has 1153 people (24)
▽ Aomori Prefecture has 1144 people (13)
▽ Toyama Prefecture has 1017 people (16)
▽ Kagawa Prefecture has 967 people (12)
▽ Tokushima Prefecture has 656 people (17)


*Graph of the number of newly infected people in Japan as of yesterday

(* This bar graph is up to the previous day, so today’s red bar (handwritten) is on the far right, but it’s about this …)


(*”Since the graph shows only the numbers up to the previous day, I handwritten the rightmost bar, but this is about it!”)










It’s late, it’s reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy late but…

It seems that the government’s COVID-19 Countermeasures Subcommittee has proposed indicators to catch the signs of the spread of the infection …

It seems that “the indicators for judging” stage XX “did not work well” …



What have you been doing so far ?!



I really think like that…



Specifically, the following

・Added “Hospitalization rate” as an index to grasp the tightness of medical care
 (* Hospitalization rate-Percentage of people who are actually hospitalized among those who need to be hospitalized)

・Understand the number of infected people in the younger generation, which is the starting point of infection
・Similarly, keep track of the number of people in the downtown area at night.



It seems that they made a proposal this time because “there was a sign of the spread of the infection at the time of the third wave, but the decision to take strong measures was delayed, so it was a big spread.”




currently, the infection has already spread considerably…



In addition, there was a difference in views between prefectures and the government when making stage decisions.

Well…, it’s natural to decide that from the beginning…

What is our government doing?




And recently, “Priority measures such as prevention of spread” has become a HOT word

We think every day, “What’s the difference?” ?? Lol



So … I’ll review it!


(東京も「まん延防止等重点措置」要請 緊急事態宣言との違いは – NHK)


・Stage 3 “Priority measures such as prevention of spread”
・Stage 4 “Emergency Declaration” 


・The state of emergency can issue a closure order to restaurants, etc.


The differences are only like that….



so…, Hmmm … it doesn’t seem to make a difference! 




As you can see, it’s been a year since the infectious disease spread, but the government is only flawed, but I hope this fourth wave really doesn’t spread any further …







And this article↓


How long time the materials such as paper, cloth, plastic, etc. need to eliminating the risk when coronavirus is attached, and how effective disinfection is.

If you are interested, please take a look!







And here’s a trial calculation of how many people in Japan are actually receiving medical treatment.


(Number of people infected nationwide) 501,134

+ (Number of hospital discharges ) 9,378

+ (Number of hospital discharges ) 459,499

= 30,542 people ( +1,749)  ← being treated

 *()=increase  from the day before



(If it is exactly as announced)

For those who are undergoing medical treatment nationwide are…

there are many days when the numbers increase this week too …




The topic of “Relationship between AstraZeneca vaccine and thrombosis” for the past few days is as follows, according to the announcement by the EU health authorities!

・Most cases of thrombosis within 2 weeks after vaccination occur in the veins of the brain and abdomen of women under the age of 60.

・Pfizer vaccines should be used by people under the age of 30 instead of AstraZeneca, as the rate of occurrence in the younger population is only slightly higher.



There is no chemical evidence, and it is said that there were more cases than expected, so WHO also said as follows.

“It can be relevant, but it hasn’t been finalized yet.”

“Detailed research required”



I wish they would announce it after it was clear …

And I want them to be it (chemically) clear!



By the way,


I … I have no problem with the AstraZeneca vaccine, so I’d like to get the vaccine right away …! Lol






Please be very careful when you go out!









Changes in New Coronavirus Infection in Tokyo


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total
393 556 676 734 577 639 4208
429 276 412 491 434 307 369 2718
371 266 350 378 445 353 327 2490
272 178 275 213 340 270 337 1885
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total
121 232 316 279 301 293 1871
237 116 290 340 335 304 330 1952
239 175 300 409 323 303 342 2091
256 187 337 420 394 376 430 2400
313 234 364 414
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total
475 440 446 2686
355 249 399 555 545 537


 *Unit: person (number of infected people on that day)
