*** This article is written with the help of Google Translate… ***
80 ( -66 from the day before) new infections confirmed in Tokyo.
◆◆◆ Japan ◆◆◆
Number of people infected nationwide : 269 ( -171)
Number of people deaths nationwide : 8 ( +2)
Number of people infected in Tokyo : 80 ( -66)
*( )= increase from the day before
Number of people infected nationwide : 76,754 ( -258)
Number of people deaths nationwide : 1468 ( +8)
Number of hospital discharges : 67,901 (+343)
*( )= increase from the day before
Number of seriously ill persons nationwide : 185 ( +5)
Narita Airport Quarantine : 6 ( +3 / Total 1009)
*( )= increase from the day before
(*All of the above from 2020/09/14 24:05 / NHK NEWS WEB)
(Cumulative) * The following is up to 10 worst prefectures.
(*2020/09/14 24:05 / NHK NEWS WEB)
▽東京都 (Tokyo) 23,083人 (前日+ 80人)
▽大阪府 (Osaka) 9636人 (前日+ 32人)
▽神奈川県 (Kanagawa) 5959人 (前日+ 16人)
▽福岡県 (Fukuoka) 4948人 (前日+ 7人)
▽愛知県 (Aichi) 4932人 (前日+ 23人)
▽埼玉県 (Saitama) 4299人 (前日+ 16人)
▽千葉県 (Chiba) 3402人 (前日+ 11人)
▽兵庫県 (Hyogo) 2478人 (前日+ 8人)
▽沖縄県 (Okinawa) 2294人 (前日+ 4人)
▽北海道 (Hokkaido) 1884人 (前日+ 8人)
*( )= increase from the day before
◆◆◆ World ◆◆◆
Number of people infected nationwide : 29,217,385 ( +249,517)
Number of people deaths nationwide : 929,067 ( +3,976)
Number of hospital discharges: 21,045,907 ( +195,579)
( All of the above from 2020/09/14 20:46 worldometers)
*( )= increase from the day before
I’m glad that the number of newly infected people in Tokyo decreased properly on Monday, when the number of newly infected people was the lowest in a week!
Well, I will summarize
the breakdown of the number of new infections in Tokyo + α …!
Out of [80] new infections in Tokyo
・Today’s newly infected people are men and women in their under10 to 90s
・[33] people is in their 20s to 30s
(about 41% of the total)
・[28] people is in their 40s to 50s
(about 35% of the total)
*under10 : [2] people
*10s : [4] people
*20s : [17] people
*30s : [16] people
*40s : [13] people
*50s : [15] people
*60s : [5] people
*70s : [5] people
*80s : [2] people
*90s : [1] people
*over100 : [0] person
・ [2] people is
in 『the entertainment district at night』
→Employees and guests such as host clubs and cabaret clubs
・Infection at home [14] people
・Infection at office [10] people
・Infection at a dinner with friends and acquaintances [6] people
・Infection in the facility [6] people
・Infection via other routes [N/A] people
・Hachioji garbage collection staff [5 people]
・Nosocomial infection at a hospital in Ome City [3] people
(*Cumulative 21 people)
* In addition, it is said that 1 person in his 30s is becoming severe patient today.
(Severely ill patients in their thirties are rare, so I will report it just in case…)
*** Information on people under medical treatment in Tokyo ***
Number of hospitalized : 1284 ( +22)
Number of seriously ill : 22 ( -2)
Home medical treatment : 449 ( +21)
Hotel medical treatment : 279 ( +-0)
Adjusting for “hospitalization or hotel or home treatment” : 339 ( -242)
People discharged from hospital or
those who have completed medical treatment at home: 20,348 ( +171)
*( )= increase from the day before
Net increase in infected people in Tokyo
= (Number of new infections)
- (Number of people who completed medical treatment)
- (Number of deaths)
= 80 - 177 - 2
= -99 people
Estimated total number of infected people in Tokyo as of today
= (Number of positives)
- (end of medical treatment period such as discharge)
- (Number of deaths)
= 23,083 - 20,348 - 384
= 2,351 people
*Tokyo currently has 8 facilities for infected people
(Capacity of 2400 people)
* A hospital in Tokyo has secured 2350 beds (+150 beds for critically ill patients).
→ Aim to secure 2,700 beds.
* In addition, we will open two specialized hospitals from September to October, and plan to add another 200 beds.
*The hotels are that,
“the b Hachiouji”, “the b Ikebukuro”, “DayniceHOTEL Tokyo”,
“Toyoko INN Shinjukukabukicho”, “Toyoko INN Tokyo Station Shinoohashimae”
“Shinagawa Prince Hotel (East Tower)”,
“APA Hotel Asakusa Taharamachi Ekimae (8/13 added)”,
“Tokyo Toranomon Tokyu REI Hotel (8/17 added)”
*The source of the total number of infected persons is from 東京都
・Rich contacts [45] people
(about 56% of the total)
・Unknown infection route [35] people
(about 44% of the total)
・Quarantine at the airport
Arriving at Narita/Haneda/Kansai Airport,
→Men and Women from The United States, The Philippine, Thailand [5] people
*Since the number of new infections in Tokyo seems to be almost the number of the previous day,
(Because the deadline for the number of new infections on the day is from 9:00 am the day before to 9:00 am on the day)
And also today, I will summarize some prefectures that have a high number of infected people, not just in the Tokyo area.
*** Saitama ***
・New infections are [16] people
→Jurisdiction of Saitama Prefectural Office [9] people
Saitama City [4] persons
Kawaguchi City [1] person
Koshigaya City [1] person
Kawagoe City [1] person
*** Kanagawa ***
・New infections are [16] people
→There is no information today…
*** Chiba ***
・New infections are [11] people
→There is no information today…
Chiba Prefecture has decided to business suspension request for restaurants that do not follow the guidelines of industry groups to close after 8 am on August 8.
Targets are karaoke shops and restaurants with entertainment.
*** Osaka ***
・New infections are [32] people
→There is no information today…
*** Aichi ***
・New infections are [23] people
→There is no information today…
*** Okinawa ***
・New infections are [4] people
→US military base: [0] persons
*Cumulative 400 US military personel
*Not included in the number of infected people in Okinawa
*** Fukuoka ***
・New infections are [9] people
→There is no information today…
I’m glad that the number of newly infected people is small nationwide today! Osaka was also rare, with only 32 people!
By the way, I was interested in Tochigi …
The number of newly infected people today was [21] …
(*It is very rare to go double digits in a local city in Japan)
What happened? I tried to look it up …
・Rich contact with infected people in Sano City [19] people
is what they said.
However, there was no additional information such as outbreaks, so I was curious, so I went to the Tochigi Prefecture homepage and also looked it up.
This is the currently information of infected people in Tochigi↓
It seems that this has spread from a man whose infection route was unknown on September 10 to his family, acquaintances, and colleagues …
The infectivity of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) is too scary …
There was additional news about this, which I always post.
I’m sorry for always putting it…
And Tokyo is from August 3,“Request to shorten business hours to restaurants that provide alcoholic beverages“ started!
東京都 酒提供の飲食店など きょうから営業時間短縮を要請 | NHKニュース
Target:All karaoke shops
All restaurants that serve alcoholic beverages
(For approximately 40,000 businesses)
Period:August 3rd-August 31st
Hours:Until 10 pm
Stores that have taken proper measures and posted a “Declaration of thorough infection prevention sticker” will receive a cooperation fee of 200,000 yen when they respond to a request to shorten business hours.
↑And about this, it will be extended
from “until Aug 31″ → to “until Sep 15”
In addition, it is said that it will be canceled in the Tama area and the island in 31 days, and only restaurants in 23 wards will be exetended.
(Sep 09)
Regarding this, It seems that the request will be lifted on Sep 15 as expected.
Well, I’m sorry of posting like below every day, but this is the most important topics!
(From the summary on September 13)
Well, today is from here above all!
I always introduce at the bottom of this “Summary of the number of new coronavirus (COVID-19) infections in Tokyo, Japan and the world” like follows,
Summary of
“Vaccine development and therapeutic drug flow so far” and
“How much is currently secured and when the vaccine will be supplied to Japan” ↓

In connection with this, such information that made us feel despair for a moment ↓

The news of despair ran around on September 9th,
“The clinical trial of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine under development by British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca and Oxford University, which is scheduled to be completed in September this month, is suspended.”
There was no follow-up report on major news sites such as NHK and Yahoo !, so I did some research and summarized this!
“The result is …It looks like they can resume next week! (as of September 10th) “
I introduced that yesterday but,
Finally (so soon ?!),
the clinical trial of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine in the UK, which had been suspended, has been [restarted]! !! !!
Is it okay to put about 100 exclamation marks(= [ ! ] )? lol
I’m too happy! !!
It seems that it has resumed with the approval of the British government authorities!
Resumption of clinical trials in other areas will follow the instructions of the health authorities.
It was really good!
With this, you can continue to wait “with hope”!
Regarding this,
アストラゼネカ 新型コロナワクチン 日本での臨床試験も再開へ
It seems that it has been decided to resume clinical trials in Japan as well!
It was said that it will be restarted in stages from this week at the earliest!
In Japan, it is currently being held for 250 people over the age of 18 at multiple facilities!
Even if the clinical trials are completed in the UK and the vaccine is approved, we cannot be vaccinated unless it is approved in Japan, so I am really happy that the clinical trials in Japan will be resumed!
And this is also a topic from yesterday,
Regarding to follows↓
(From the summary on September 13)
I told you yesterday like follows,
Let’s start with today’s topic!
Tottori is in trouble!
(Tottori is one of prefecture where is said that the most rural prefecture in Japan.)
鳥取県 新型コロナ 仕事で来県30代男性の感染確認 県内計23人
(↑ Yesterday’s news)
Last night, I saw this news and thought that,
“Oh, rarely (the least number of infected people in Japan) Tottori has 1 infected person today…”
Moreover, it was a visitor from outside the prefecture …! (Male in his 30s visiting for work)
…But it can’t be helped …
I thought like that… But today…,
In Tottori 8 new infected people confirmed in today’s news! ??
Is Tottori okay …?
I was thinking, but
Moreover, all eight of them were visitors from outside the prefecture again. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. !!
(Visit from outside the prefecture for construction-related work, rich contact with infected people the day before)
As a result, it seems that the number of infected people in Tottori prefecture has increased to 31…
Don’t bother other prefectures …
It was news that I thought.
Well, it can’t be helped …
This seems to have been “cluster certified” for the first time in Tottori Prefecture!
8 men and women in their 20s and 50s living in Gunma, Tochigi, and Shizuoka lived together in a dormitory, and it seems that they visited Yonago City, Tottori Prefecture from September 6th.
Tottori Prefecture, along with Iwate Prefecture, had the lowest number of infected people in Japan (23 people), but now it has 31 people…
In Tottori, there was a follow-up report late last night.
1 more person was confirmed to be infected …
Of course, in connection with this outbreak,
he is also from outside the prefecture …
Of course, it is unavoidable to get infected,
but I wonder what it feels like to be a local Tottori citizen who has been careful to prevent infection and has not spread the infection until now.
I’m very worried…
To change the subject,
So here’s what’s new today!
仏シトロエン、14歳から免許不要で乗れる2人乗りEV「アミ」発売 大手家電チェーンでも取り扱い – Newsweek
In France, they have released an electric vehicle (EV) that can be driven even by 14-year-old!
※引用: https://response.jp/article/2020/04/30/334162.html
In France, if you pass the traffic safety test, you can drive from the age of 14.
↑ Is it like a “moped bike” in Japan?
(*In Japan, you can drive moped bike from the age of 16,
and you can drive car from 18 years old.)
By the way, it is a two-seater,
with a maximum speed of 45km / h
and is made of plastic.
Charging is completed in about 3 hours
and you can run 70km!
It’s already the “future”!
And the price is …
6000 euros, so is it 700,000-800,000 yen?
…What?…Unexpectedly expensive… lol
If it’s a used car, a Japanese mini car may be cheaper! lol
But It’s big news for us that they can ride from 14 years old!
…Do you say… “what are you talking about?”
Yes, I’m sorry … lol
Also, while looking up for news related to “New Coronavirus (COVID-19)”, I was interested in the extra news again … lol
Let’s get the contents back …
拠点閉鎖で客室乗務員失職おそれ – NHK NEWS WEB
The American airline “United Airlines” has decided to close the Japanese base of flight attendants at Narita Airport by the end of September this month.
“The company must continue to make tough decisions to survive the impact of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) on the aviation industry,”
said United Airlines,
which seems that 270 people at the base could lose their jobs in the first place.
Some flight attendants are still waiting at home since April …
The serious effects of this “new coronavirus (COVID-19) infectious disease” will continue …
Then, the story changes again, but there was such news in Aichi prefecture.
愛知県 新型コロナ 誤判定で賠償金支払う方針を発表 – NHK NEWS WEB
It is said that Aichi prefecture has decided to pay compensation to those who are mistakenly judged to be “infected” by the “new coronavirus (COVID-19)” test.
The summary is as follows.
・24 people who were misjudged, their families, and related medical institutions
・Person who died after wrong judgment → 100,000 yen
・4 people who entered the same hospital room as the infected person → 100,000 yen
・Other 20 people → 50,000 yen
・Separately, “people who were forced to take a leave of absence” and “medical institutions that took a break from medical treatment” → Compensate for damages at actual cost.
I think the amount is small …,
but even so, I’m scared when people say “You’re infected!” Even though I’m not actually infected …
And finally, such a topic!
Utsunomiya City’s travel agency “Utsunomiya Kanko” has started a service on the 14th that allows you to optionally add a PCR test for the new coronavirus (COVID-19) to your travel plans in collaboration with medical institutions in the city!
It seems that if you put saliva in the test kit distributed at the time of application and submit it, the test result will be notified in about 2 days!
It is said that it costs 15,000 yen per person for test, but many people seem to think that they do not want to bother their accommodation, so they thought of a plan so that they could enjoy the trip without hesitation.
It would be great if this became the norm!
Free if possible …
If the infection subsides and the test results become available sooner,
“when people are going to work, before going on a trip, before going on a business trip, before going to play etc.”,
it would be very safe if anyone could feel free to test in the time of above immediately!
There is also the problem of financial resources,
and it’s a Doraemon-like idea of ”I wish I could do something like this.” …
And as for the information on vaccines and therapeutic drugs that I always post, “The past flow of Vaccine development and therapeutic drug” and “How much are currently secured, and when vaccines will be supplied to Japan” etc. are summarized!
“Vaccine” solves this “new coronavirus (COVID-19) infectious disease” fundamentally, so if you have time, please read it!

By the way, there was also such information related to above ↓

The news of despair ran around on September 9th,
“The clinical trial of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine under development by British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca and Oxford University, which is scheduled to be completed in September this month, is suspended.”
There was no follow-up report on major news sites such as NHK and Yahoo !, so I did some research and summarized this!
The result is … it looks reassuring! (lol)
So if you have time, please read it!
Clinical trials haven’t resumed yet, but don’t worry!
The world’s fastest vaccine is scheduled for completion in September … but I’m really glad that the Oxford University vaccine seems to have no problem!
And this article↓
How long time the materials such as paper, cloth, plastic, etc. need to eliminating the risk when coronavirus is attached, and how effective disinfection is.
If you are interested, please take a look!
And here’s a trial calculation of how many people in Japan are actually receiving medical treatment.
(Number of people infected nationwide) 76,754
+ (Number of hospital discharges ) 1,468
+ (Number of hospital discharges ) 67,901
= 7,385 people ← being treated
(If it is exactly as announced)
It’s decreasing all the time without increasing!
It’s too scary because there were too many new infections in Tokyo last Thursday and Saturday … but I really hope this week doesn’t increase!
please be very careful when you go out!
◆Changes in New Coronavirus Infection in Tokyo◆
Aug | |||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Total |
– | – | – | – | – | – | 472 | 2187 |
292 | 258 | 309 | 263 | 360 | 462 | 429 | 2373 |
331 | 197 | 188 | 222 | 206 | 389 | 385 | 1918 |
260 | 161 | 207 | 186 | 339 | 258 | 256 | 1667 |
212 | 95 | 182 | 236 | 250 | 226 | 247 | 1448 |
148 | 100 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Aug | |||||||
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Total |
– | – | 170 | 141 | 211 | 136 | 181 | 1087 |
116 | 77 | 170 | 149 | 276 | 187 | 226 | 1201 |
146 | 80 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
– | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
– | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
*Unit: person (number of infected people on that day)
I enjoy reading an article that can make people think.
Also, thank you for permitting me to comment!